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윈도우 설치 중 "네크워크에 연결" 건너뛰는 방법


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윈도우11 설치 중 '네트워크에 연결'에서 먹통될 때 해결방법 사용설명서

얼마 전 친구가 노트북을 새로 구입하고 윈도우11 설치를 하는데 중간에 문제가 생겼다고 연락이 왔다. 사실 나도 윈도우를 사용 안 한지 오래되어서 바로 도움을 주지는 못했지만, 그래도 어릴




우분투 cpu 전원모드 설정 gui




GitHub - vagnum08/cpupower-gui: cpupower-gui is a graphical program that is used to change the scaling frequency limits of the c

cpupower-gui is a graphical program that is used to change the scaling frequency limits of the cpu, similar to cpupower. - GitHub - vagnum08/cpupower-gui: cpupower-gui is a graphical program that i...



우분투 conky




GitHub - brndnmtthws/conky: Light-weight system monitor for X (and other things, too)

Light-weight system monitor for X (and other things, too) - GitHub - brndnmtthws/conky: Light-weight system monitor for X (and other things, too)



우분투 온도 모니터링




Psensor GUI tool: Monitor CPU temperature on Linux system

Psensor graphical hardware temperature monitor for Linux uses two packages to check the hardware temperature of PC or laptop that are lm-sensor and hddtemp.



우분투 팬속도 컨트롤 (gui)




GitHub - Maldela/fancontrol-gui: GUI for Fancontrol. It uses the KAuth module of the KDE Frameworks 5 to write the generated con

GUI for Fancontrol. It uses the KAuth module of the KDE Frameworks 5 to write the generated config file. Furthermore it communicates with systemd via dbus to control the fancontrol service. If you ...



파이어폭스 탭 슬라이딩 끄기




Is there way to prevent the tabs from sliding left when opening a new tab? | Firefox-ondersteuningsforum | Mozilla Support

Yes, this is normal. To see the other tabs, select the left or right arrows on the sides of the tab bar. If you don't want the tabs sliding around, try closing some of your tabs or opening some of them in a new window. Yes, this is normal. To see the other



우분투 파티션 조정




How to resize partitions?

Previously, I have installed Windows 7 on my 320 GB laptop with three partitions 173, 84 and 63 GB each. The 63 GB partition was where the Windows was installed. The rest were for file containers. ...




How to Resize Your Ubuntu Partitions

Whether you want to shrink your Ubuntu partition, enlarge it, or split it up into several partitions, you can’t do this while it’s in use. You’ll need a Ubuntu live CD or USB drive to edit your partitions.



jupyter 비밀번호 간단 설정


jupyter notebook --generate-config
jupyter notebook password
Enter password:
Verify password:



nvidia booting 문제 관련




Booting with black screen after install nvidia-driver on ubuntu20.04

I am trying to install nvidia-driver (470) on my Ubuntu on my laptop. After a lot of failed attempts to install drivers properly. Unfortunately, every solution I found doesn’t help. Even with the secure boot disabled I still got a black screen like this




'좋은 글 링크들' 카테고리의 다른 글

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Object detection 좋은글  (0) 2022.09.18